What We're Reading: From Modern Farmer

Two intriguing articles from the Modern Farmer are in our radar right now:

Making Old Orchards New Again by Kiersten Lie-Nielsen

Lie-Nielsen explores the resurgence of interest in old apple trees, driven by the popularity of hard cider. These century-old trees, often found on abandoned homesteads, are being rediscovered and restored by organizations and individuals alike. Techniques such as tree identification, pruning, and cloning are being employed to revitalize these neglected orchards, contributing to both the preservation of heritage varieties and the revival of cider-making traditions.

Opinion: There’s No Right Way To Eat Meat by Olivia Oldham and Katie Revell

Oldham and Revell delve into the complexities surrounding meat consumption and the quest for the "right" approach. The article acknowledges the environmental, cultural, and health considerations associated with eating meat, highlighting the challenges of determining what constitutes "less" and "better" meat. While some advocate for vegan or vegetarian diets due to their lower environmental impact, others emphasize the cultural significance and nutritional benefits of meat. They suggest that the pursuit of "less" and "better" meat involves navigating a multitude of factors, including personal values, societal priorities, and access to resources, ultimately questioning what defines "better" meat and for whom.

You can find more thought-provoking reads like these at Modern Farmer.

Indigo Pinedo