Gov. Charlie Baker's Proclamation for National Farmers Market Week

A Proclamation

Whereas, Massachusetts has a vibrant agricultural industry which is part of the state's cultural heritage; and

Whereas, Massachusetts has 7,241 farms, preserving 491,653 acres of open space; and

Whereas, farmers Markets create economic vitality for farmers and food producers, and for the communities where the markets are located; and

Whereas, farmers Markets are a critical element of a strong sustainable local food system, serve as public and community gathering places, and foster a closer connection between the consumer and the food that they consume; and

Whereas, farmers Market Managers serve their communities and support Massachusetts farm and food businesses to provide fresh foods to the citizens of the Commonwealth; and

Whereas, farmers Markets create healthier communities by providing access to fresh, healthy food to all residents, including SNAP and WIC Program participants and seniors,

Now, Therefore, I, Charles D. Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim August 7th-13th, 2022, to be,


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Mass Farmers Markets