Mass Farmers Markets

2025 FARMERS Market Conference

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025   

Clark University  Worcester MA

Mass Farmers Markets is excited to welcome you to this in-person conference. Hear from market managers and partners about many of the topics facing farmers markets today. Plus, we'll have both facilitated discussions and informal networking opportunities so you can meet and trade ideas with market managers from across the state.


Check-in and breakfast will begin at 8am. The program is expected to run from 9am - 4pm. A light breakfast and a lunch featuring locally-sourced ingredients are included. 

8:00am - 9:00am
Check-in and Breakfast
Take advantage of this time to enjoy a light breakfast and meet your fellow conference-goers.

9:00am - 9:10am
Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:10am - 9:30am
Get to know your fellow conference goers in a small-group format.

9:30am - 10:45am
Supporting the Long-Term Sustainability of Farmers Markets
Panelists will discuss MFM’s recent survey analyzing the long-term sustainability of farmers markets, and steps markets and supporters can take to ensure farmers markets in Massachusetts are robust and resilient.

10:45am - 11:00am

11:00am - 11:30am
Updates from our State Partners
Representatives from MDAR and DTA will provide updates on the transition to the new EBT system and FMNP recertification.

11:30am - 12:30pm
Partnering with Vendors for Success
Hear from vendors and market managers on how they partner to ensure a successful market for everyone.

12:30pm - 1:30pm

1:30pm - 2:45pm
How to Attract Shoppers to Your Farmers Market

Myrna Greenfield from Good Egg Marketing will present on strategies to effectively attract shoppers to your farmers market. 

2:45pm - 3:45pm
Food Access Programs in 2025
We’ll discuss the outlook for food access programs this year - the status of HIP funding, what winter markets are seeing, and strategies for outreach and funding in uncertain times.

3:45pm - 4:15pm
Table Topics
Join others at a table to discuss specific topics of interest to you. Topics will include starting a new market, markets in low-food-access neighborhoods, POP club, and more.

Recertify for the Farmers Market Nutrition Program
All Massachusetts farmers markets must recertify with MDAR in 2025 in order to be a location where FMNP coupons can be accepted. MDAR staff will be available throughout the day to certify markets. Find out more information, including information you’ll need to recertify, here: Farmers Market Nutrition Program 2025 Season Updates

Tilton Hall, Higgins University Center, Clark University
950 Main St, Worcester, MA

Free parking is available at the Kneller Athletic Center Garage
53 Downing St, Worcester, MA

Directions from the garage to the venue


MFM Member Markets pay a discounted rate. To receive the discounted rate, please use the promo code that was emailed to you when registering.

Registration Fees:
MFM Member Markets: $55
Non-Members: $65

If cost is a barrier to attending, please email Rick Grudzinski at


Thank You to Our Sponsors